Liability Insurance Designed Specifically for Social Workers

Specific Phrases and Word Choices that can be Helpful for Social Workers when Dealing with COVID19

Specific  Phrases and Word Choices that can be Helpful for Social Workers when Dealing with COVID19.


There is widespread anxiety about COVID-19, which is common in the case of epidemics and pandemics. There are still uncertainties about this disease which also fuels anxiety and panic. Current disruptions in day-to-day life, such as the quarantine of loved ones who are in long-term care or skilled nursing facilities, travel plan cancellations and school closures, also increase these feelings. Many people are experiencing mood problems, sleep issues, phobia and spikes in symptoms for pre-existing mental health disorders like obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Social workers are skilled in addressing the mental health-related dimensions of health crises. They help clients find constructive ways to manage their anxiety, especially if these worries are adversely impacting work performance, relationships, and daily routines. In addition, social workers help parents and guardians communicate with their children about COVID-19 and its impacts.

Attached is a document highlighting specific  phrases & word choices that can be helpful when dealing with COVID19.

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