Liability Insurance Designed Specifically for Social Workers

Expert Insights

Should You Hire Your Family Attorney to Defend you in Case of a Lawsuit?

Should You Hire Your Family Attorney to Defend you in Case of a Lawsuit?

Know When It’s Not a Good Idea to Hire Your Family Attorney to Defend you in Case of a Lawsuit The presence of a skilled, specialized, and experie...
Did you know? 3 social work practitioners out of 100 will sustain a claim against them.

Did you know? 3 Social Work Practitioners out of 100 Will Sustain a Claim Against Them.

Our insurance products are supported by a staff of over 375-panel lawyers across the nation who are experienced in defending healthcare related incidents, claims, and lawsuits. We have a robust Helpline for NASW Risk Retention Group policyholders that provides immediate assistance.